Click on the stories below to start adding more Extraordinary to your life right now…
When was the last time you ASTOUNDED yourself?
WHAT IF?..... ….you came to the realization that the major obstacle to you living your BEST life was simply your lack of belief in just how capable and amazing you really are? If you have ever doubted your capabilities, here’s a quote from the greatest inventive...
2022…It’s Your Year…Your Life…Your CHOICE!
A Question for You! On a scale of one to ten, just how excited are you about starting this new chapter in your life, called…2022? The number you choose to this question, is called your EXPECTATION. Expectations, also referred to as BELIEFS, are the primary drivers of...
“Bob’s World” Video Learning Series
WHO KNEW…that everyone of us on this planet would be forced to deal with the onslaught of a global pandemic, causing a major upheaval in every part of our lives? To say that this disruption to our way of life, for almost 2 years now has been a “bumpy ride”, is a major...
Be a Glimmer of Hope For Others!
We live in a time when everybody on the planet could use a little more Encouragement, Optimism and Belief that the world still is a great place to be. Every day, you and I can be the reason someone believes they Matter, that they are Significant. So, here’s why you...
Slowing Down to the Speed of…Listening to Yourself!
When was the last time you allowed yourself to turn your life off of “Automatic Pilot” and take the time to actually “Listen to Yourself”? People are often so caught up being busy in their lives, that they spend very little, if any, of their time just allowing...
Keeping yourself Positive in Challenging Times
A powerful way to keep yourself positive in challenging times is by understanding the value of “JOURNALING”. This is a process of taking a few moments during the day, (I prefer to Journal at the beginning of each day because it helps me to gain a healthy perspective...
One Brief Moment in Time
Slowing down to the speed of Caring and Connecting with the rest of the world! It is so sad and disheartening to hear about all the people who were residents in long term care homes and have died because of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Over the past 15 years I have...
Recharging Your Mental Wellness in Challenging Times
The other day I had one of my Newsletter subscribers email me and ask if I had any positive messages or words of encouragement for the staff of her organization during our current global pandemic situation.
Your Expectations Strongly Influence the Outcomes in Your Life
"If you wake up in the morning and EXPECT to have a bad day, chances are good, that you WILL!” -Bob Koehler Some people have been disappointed in life so many times that they have lowered their expectations to the point that "struggling" or "keeping their head above...
How we handle the Tough Stuff of Life Defines Us!
When life gets TOUGH, you always have a CHOICE! You can get BITTER or you can get BETTER! The challenges and difficulties we experience in our lives are important. Without them, it is highly unlikely we would become the person we are capable of becoming. “I have...
Bob Koehler Talks About: “I’ve Got This!”
The essence of the work I do is to help people to attain and sustain a positive & energized outlook on their jobs and personal lives. A view that allows them to be able to wake up most mornings,"Eager and Excited" about their lives. In reality, it is not always...
Bob Talks About…….Conquering Being Overwhelmed!
Whenever you start to feel the pressure, tension and stress of being OVERWHELMED.... ....STOP being BUSY! Too often, people just keep plugging away, rather than stopping the action and coming up with a new plan to deal with the stressful feeling of being overwhelmed....
The Time of Your Life
IT’S TIME you took the TIME to evaluate how you use the TIME of your LIFE! Time is not a matter of quantity. It’s a matter of HOW you choose to USE it. We need to pull back and take a look at how our current Daily Practices are in relation to using our time wisely and...
“Making a Difference” is Contagious
"Making a Difference" is Contagious. Earlier this year I received a call from someone who had attended a conference at Queen’s University where I gave a presentation….17 years ago! Here is the follow up email he sent to me. Hello Bob: It was great to connect...
Bob Talks About…The Myth of “Never Enough Time”
If you get a feeling from time to time that there is "Never enough TIME", I've got news for you... ...there is no such thing. THE MYTH OF—“NEVER ENOUGH TIME” A valuable principle I have come to understand and apply in my life is that believing there’s never...
One Idea Can Change Your Life
One Idea Understood In March of this year my Newsletter was titled: "The Power of IT is what it IS"This is an email response I received from one of my Newsletter Subscribers about how she lives the Practice and how it has positively helped her to deal with the...
The Law of the Garbage Truck
Every once in a while, I get an email from one of my subscribers that is worth keeping and passing along to others. Here is one I received that is very worthwhile reading. One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. As we were driving, a car jumped out...
Make Someone’s Day!
If you have ever been to a presentation of mine, you are no doubt familiar with my "Amazing" pins that I had made up several years ago. Over the years I have given away thousands of these pins to acknowledge and validate people from all walks of life. I usually...
Raising the Bar on “Ordinary”
In my travels across Canada and the U.S., I often come across people who have a job that may not be considered by most people as a Great job, but have had the guts, courage and initiative to raise the bar on “Ordinary.” Let me give you a recent example of one of my...
Going Above and Beyond-“It’s not my job.”
Several years ago, I was invited to speak at a Conference in Ottawa. When I arrived, I checked into the downtown Courtyard Marriott, and when I gave my name at the front desk the staff member said, "We were expecting you Mr. Koehler, We are glad you are here". I WAS...
Your Ultimate Freedom
To OWN YOUR LIFE is YOUR Ultimate Freedom! So many people don’t own their life and they don’t even realize it. Many people when things go wrong in their life are very quick to find someone or something to blame and take on the role of being a VICTIM. Blaming is easy,...
Bob Talks About…The Power of “It IS what it IS!”
When something unfavorable happens in your life, such as a difficulty, challenge, frustration, setback or whatever, develop the Practice of saying to yourself... "It IS what it IS!" When you say this, it reinforces in your mind, the fact that what happened has...
Talks about... Choosing to be EXCEPTIONAL I have a client whose Mission Statement is simply, to be so great at how they do what they do, that the people they serve become, “RAVING FANS”. I am not a big fan of Mission Statements only because many of them are created...
BOB KOEHLER SAYS We always feel better about ourselves when we leave
Talks about... "We always feel better about ourselves when we leave" Several years ago I was invited to Winnipeg to make some presentations to the staff of three levels of government. I was there for two days and met some very “Amazing” people. After one of my...
BOB KOEHLER SAYS We teach what we are, not what we teach
Says... We teach what we are, not what we teach One day a mother was driving her little girl to school. On the way, the little girl turned to her mother and said, “Mommy, where are all the stupid jerks today?” and the mom turned back to her little girl and said,...
Bob Koehler talks about “You Are Greater than you think you are!”
talks about... You are greater than you think You are! The kindergarten teacher informed the students in her classroom one day that they could draw a picture of anything they wanted. As the teacher walked around the classroom curious as to what each student would...
Bob Koehler talks about The Power of Simplicity
Talks about... The Power of Simplicity I mentioned before that most people are capable of having a more Extraordinary life, but very few actually choose to do so. I believe that one of the major reasons why so many people “settle for” an ordinary life is because they...
Bob Koehler asks “How are you doing today?”
Asks... "How are You today?" Every day, we have many opportunities to elevate our levels of personal energy simply by being conscious of the fact that we get energy by giving it away to others. One opportunity we typically have every day is when people ask us the...
Bob Koehler talks about “Be a full-time, life-long Validator!”
Talks about... Becoming a full-time, life-long VALIDATOR I was away on a business trip doing several staff training sessions for an organization and my sessions started early in the morning so I travelled to the city the night before and stayed in a nearby hotel. In...
Bob Koehler talk about “Being Busy Learning”
Talks about... Being Busy “Learning” is Equally as Important as Being Busy “Doing” I was recently invited to make a presentation to a group of entrepreneurs. The parent organization hosted the day for individual franchise owners from across Ontario. In...
Bob says “You don’t need anyone’s approval!”
Talks about… "You don’t need anyone’s approval to be Who You Are!” I don’t know about you, but I find that sometimes people become way too serious about life, overly concerned about being themselves because of what other people might think. So, they often end...
Make Fun and Laughter a daily practice
“Don’t take the world too seriously, after all you’ll never get out of it alive!” -Unknown Laughter and having fun on a regular basis helps us to keep a Healthy Perspective about life. Have you ever noticed that when you can’t see the fun or laughter in everyday...
Energy for Life
Your level of Personal Energy has a HUGE impact on every area of your life. ENERGY FOR LIFE We all know how GREAT life is when we have an ABUNDANCE of ENERGY. Life just seems to work a whole lot better than when we have little or no ENERGY. One of my favourite...
Life is tough. You are tougher!
Life is DIFFICULT and NOT FAIR—DEAL with it! The “STUFF” in your life and its VALUE Stuff comes with the territory of LIVING. Life’s STUFF comes in the form of problems, difficulties, challenges, setbacks, adversities and frustrations. The only time in our life we...
Are you a Victim or an Owner?
VICTIM or OWNER? When difficult situations arise in your life, do you Practice being a VICTIM or an OWNER? Several years ago I received a session evaluation at the end of one of my presentations which read: “I walked into this session today after complaining all day...
Your personal energy is elevated or drained by your Perspective!
In my work I get invited to work with the staff in all kinds of organizations. In the past 10 years I have had the opportunity to work with staff who work in Long Term Care Homes. I always say, “God bless those people who work in long term care in this country.” The...
Raving Fans!
I have a client whose Mission Statement is simply to be so great at how they do what they do, that the people they serve, become “RAVING FANS”. I will mention I am not a big fan of Mission Statements only because many of them are created primarily because “everybody...
Teach your children to be Extraordinary!
TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO VIEW EVERY JOB THEY EVER HAVE AS BEING THE BEST JOB THEY EVER HAD Don’t ever allow your kids to view any job as “JUST” a job because it’s just to make some extra money while they are going to school. Make sure they understand that the...
Take your job…and Love it!
One of my half-day workshops that I present for the staff of organizations is titled: Take this Job and…LOVE IT! Some people find the idea of loving their job hard to swallow. I don’t. First of all, it goes without saying that, earning a living takes up a huge amount...
Be Extraordinary…Because You Can!
As you probably already know my mission in the work I do is to encourage and help people to refuse to settle for an ordinary, or mediocre life and to choose to make their lives, nothing less than…extraordinary. And by extraordinary, I'm talking...
Your life is a Do-It-To-Yourself Project
I love hearing from people who call or email me to express that as a result of hearing my message that they have improved their life. Not too long ago, a person from one of my sessions emailed me and said, “Bob, you changed my life.” As flattered as I am to hear...
Be a “Get To” Person in a “Have To” World
"People who choose "Extraordinary" are "Get To" People Living in a "Have To" world. One very powerful practice I have learned and have included in my definition of an “Extraordinary” life is: Choosing to have more “Get To’s” in my life and fewer “Have To’s”....
The Wisest Decision You Will Ever Make in Your Life…
The wisest decision you will ever make is to own your life! I call this, Your Ultimate Freedom. When you Choose “Extraordinary” you undeniably own your life! To own your life is your Ultimate Freedom. So many people don’t own their life and they don’t even...
I Choose Extraordinary and So Can You…
In my work as a professional speaker and presenter, it is important that I connect with my audiences in such a way that they can relate to my subject matter and believe that my message has some personal value to them. I find it valuable in my openings, to...