The two most powerful influences in your life will be:
the books you read, and the people you meet.
This section contains a listing of some of the books that I have read that have become a powerful influence in my life.
Enjoy, and remember, the book you don’t read can’t be of any value to you.
BOB’s Reading TIP #101
While you are reading any of these suggested books, I highly recommend that you have a pen or highlighter available so whenever there are words, phrases or ideas that ring your truth bell, you know, resonate with you,
you can underline or highlight them.
I have learned that by doing this, it reinforces the value of that idea into your sub-conscious mind, whereby, improving the retention of that idea to your memory.
BOB’s Reading TIP #102
***Because I use this method to improve the reinforcement of significant ideas, I no longer borrow books from the library, as I have learned from past experience that they frown upon this practice.

three time CEO and Director on thirteen public/private Boards, as well as knowing Vernon and Don up front and close.
I found this book a stark reminder of many basic aspects of business and life in general that creates and defines “ TRUE LEADERSHIP”.
Just one example, is their heart felt belief in people. While most executives view their payroll as an expense, they viewed this as an investment. While it’s natural to believe developing great people is a self serving endeavor, Vern and Don looked well beyond self financial rewards. They took great pride in the lasting impact they made on the individuals and their families lives.
The bottom line is……this one example from this book shows what can be achieved when Great Leaders are driven from pride versus greed.”
Keep Your Balls Inflated
By Vernon Forster
This is a book written by a very good friend of mine whom I met back in 1973.
Vernon is, without a doubt the most original and fascinating person I have ever met.
He wrote this book in his 90th year on this planet.
He often says to me, “I am planning to live forever,
so far, so good!”
His real-life experiences that he has written about in his book will make you laugh, shake your head in disbelief at times and, hopefully, rethink how you live your life.
Just one of the things I truly admire about Vernon is the fact that he is a 100% DOER! If he says he will do something you can bet he will. You will see how this unique characteristic of his plays out in how he lives his life.
Reading his book will inspire you to never settle for a normal life and–hopefully to choose to become nothing less than the unique, one-of-a-kind human being you were born to be, never requiring the approval of others to be who you ARE!
I truly believe Vernon’s book should be mandatory reading at Harvard and all other Business Schools, as well as by every parent and grandparent on the planet.
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life
By Richard Carlson
If ever you feel you have little or no control over what is happening in your life–read this book. Sometimes we need to renew our understanding about how much choice we really have through the way we think.
This book gave me an incredible breakthrough in understanding some of life’s oh-so valuable lessons.
The Four Agreements
By Don Miguel Ruiz
Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
By Stephen Covey
No matter who you are, no matter what you do for a living-this book is a must-read. Simple ideas that can make a significant difference in how you go through life. Stephen Covey has a grasp on some amazing life’s wisdom that anyone can benefit from. If you haven’t read it–READ IT.
Think and Grow Rich
By Napoleon Hill
This is the first book I ever read on the world of Motivation. I believe I read it back in 1964. The ideas in this book are timeless. One hundred years from now, this book’s ideas and strategies for having a great life will still apply. Read it.
The Road Less Travelled
By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
One of the most important aspects of our life–“Relationships”, is something that most people never really learned about other than through good old-fashioned trial and error. This book is basically “Relationships 101. A must read for anyone and everyone. I have found this book to be a very valuable book which has helped me immensely over the years in my relationships.
The Power Of Focus
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen
A book filled with strategies for personal growth and success. Unfortunately, one problem most people have is the discipline to FOCUS on what is important. This book gives people the understanding of how to focus on the things that matter most.
If you are ready for a major shift in your progress in life, you will want to get and read this book NOW.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
By Robin Sharma
Weird title–Great Book. Robin Sharma’s inspiring tale shows us a step-by-step pathway for living with greater courage, balance, abundance and joy.
The Greatness Guide
By Robin Sharma
This is a book that when I finished reading it, had an incredible number of pages
highlighted and underlined because so many ideas resonated with me that I wanted to incorporate into how I live my life.
One simple example of this was:
“All it takes is one idea discovered in a single book to lift you to a whole new level
and revolutionize the way you see the world.”
READ IT! It will be time very well spent.
The Other 90%
By Robert K. Cooper
If you don’t believe you are AMAZING, read this book. Robert Cooper has done a tremendous amount of research on how absolutely capable and amazing people are. Most people’s understanding of their capability is so understated. Go ahead, read this book and marvel at all that you still CAN BECOME!
The Measure Of Our Success
By Marian Wright Edelman
What could be more powerful than our ability to “Parent”? This is a subject that most of us parents have very little knowledge in. Marian Wright Edelman has a very down-to-earth approach to giving us tips on how to raise a child and feel like we have made a difference.
The Magic of Believing
By Claude Bristol
When Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are always right”, he was summarizing the essence of Claude Bristol’s book.
Prescriptions For Living
By Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Dr. Bernie Siegel is one “Amazing” human being. He is living proof of one of my “Boblosophies”- “It’s not WHAT you do it’s HOW you do it.
This book is for everyone. It’s good down-to-earth wisdom about life and is helps us to see the value of our problems and frustrations in life.
Man’s Search For Meaning
By Victor Frankl
Powerul, timeless, inspiring wisdom. The story of the experiences of a man who has been to the absolute bottom of the emotional scale and came back to let us know that no matter what happens to us we ALWAYS HAVE CHOICES. I highly recommend this book to anyone. If ever you think you are having a major problem to deal with–read this book. It will inspire you.
By Kevin and Jackie Freiberg
The subtitle to this book is, “Companies that blow the doors off business-as-usual. It is so encouraging to read about real companies that are gusty enough to break through the traditional way of doing things in this world. REFRESHING, and EXHILARATING are two words that come to mind from reading this book. If you think your business is unique, take a look at some of these companies and start raising the bar for yourself and your people
If you run a company or lead people–read this book and inspire yourself to what you can yet become.
Orbiting The Giant Hairball
By Gordon MacKenzie
I LOVE this book. If you ever needed more confidence in your pursuit of not being NORMAL…this will do it for you. The author, Gordon MacKenzie talks about his experiences of effectively avoiding being caught in the corporate “stuff” and holding on to his own uniqueness. This is an inspiring read about hanging on to being yourself. Read it.
You’ll be glad you did.