Click on the stories below to start adding more Extraordinary to your life right now…
Be a Glimmer of Hope For Others!

Be a Glimmer of Hope For Others!

We live in a time when everybody on the planet could use a little more Encouragement, Optimism and Belief that the world still is a great place to be. Every day, you and I can be the reason someone believes they Matter, that they are Significant. So, here’s why you...

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Slowing Down to the Speed of…Listening to Yourself!

Slowing Down to the Speed of…Listening to Yourself!

When was the last time you allowed yourself to turn your life off of “Automatic Pilot” and take the time to actually “Listen to Yourself”? People are often so caught up being busy in their lives, that they spend very little, if any,  of their time just allowing...

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Keeping yourself Positive in Challenging Times

Keeping yourself Positive in Challenging Times

A powerful way to keep yourself positive in challenging times is by understanding the value of “JOURNALING”. This is a process of taking a few moments during the day, (I prefer to Journal at the beginning of each day because it helps me to gain a healthy perspective...

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"Thanks for your valuable insights. I have a lot of personal things going on in my life, but I will start looking at the positive ways to deal with them.”

“In the 25 years I have worked here, this session was the best I have ever attended.”

“The most important thing I learned was to stop being a Victim and take ownership of my life.”