“Don’t take the world too seriously, after all you’ll never get out of it alive!”
Laughter and having fun on a regular basis helps us to keep a Healthy Perspective about life. Have you ever noticed that when you can’t see the fun or laughter in everyday situations it means you are losing perspective? It usually means you have let the serious stuff of life overshadow your ability to see the good stuff, the fun stuff. It’s always there. You just can’t see it because you’ve lost your fun perspective.
I am a very fortunate person. I was born with a great sense of humour. I also had the good fortune of being brought up in a household where we all enjoyed laughing. I think we all have those days when we do lose our sense of humour because of situations and circumstances that happen. If we PRACTICE making fun and laughter a part of our daily routine, we get good at it. If you have been to any presentation of mine, you know it is guaranteed that you will be laughing. I believe people learn best when they are having fun.
Sometimes you do things that are fun or funny and some people “just don’t get it”. It is important to keep being funny and realize that you don’t need everybody’s approval to be funny. You cannot believe how many people decide to lighten up and have more fun and laugh but when they come across someone who doesn’t get it—they stop doing it and unfortunately miss out on the incredible benefits it brings.
Benefits of Daily Fun and Laughter.
Physical Benefits of Laughter
-has a relaxation effect
-gives you a natural boost of energy
-increases oxygen to the brain to make you more productive
-boosts immunity, prevents heart disease, has cardiovascular benefits
-decreases pent up muscle tension due to stress
-decreases pain
Mental Health Benefits of Laughter
-distracts you from the stress of the moment and helps you get out of your rut
-gives you a sense of distance and perspective from worry and stress
-forces a positive broader perspective about stress
-immediately improves your mood
-makes you resilient to stress
-allows you to bounce back quicker from distress
Let me say that if there was a pill we could take that would give us these benefits, we would be taking it daily. The great thing is you don’t need to fill a prescription. You just need to make fun and laughter a daily practice and you will become the benefactor.