Click on the stories below to start adding more Extraordinary to your life right now…
2022…It’s Your Year…Your Life…Your CHOICE!

2022…It’s Your Year…Your Life…Your CHOICE!

A Question for You! On a scale of one to ten, just how excited are you about starting this new chapter in your life, called…2022? The number you choose to this question, is called your EXPECTATION. Expectations, also referred to as BELIEFS, are the primary drivers of...

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“Bob’s World” Video Learning Series

“Bob’s World” Video Learning Series

WHO KNEW…that everyone of us on this planet would be forced to deal with the onslaught of a global pandemic, causing a major upheaval in every part of our lives? To say that this disruption to our way of life, for almost 2 years now has been a “bumpy ride”, is a major...

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Be a Glimmer of Hope For Others!

Be a Glimmer of Hope For Others!

We live in a time when everybody on the planet could use a little more Encouragement, Optimism and Belief that the world still is a great place to be. Every day, you and I can be the reason someone believes they Matter, that they are Significant. So, here’s why you...

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“Bob, when I first came to your session, I honestly thought it would be a huge waste of my time. Thanks for proving me wrong.”

"Thanks for your valuable insights. I have a lot of personal things going on in my life, but I will start looking at the positive ways to deal with them.”

“The presentation was way too short. I could have listened to you all day! Thanks for the wonderful “words of wisdom” you gave to me today.”